Manual BaByliss SL33E Scale

Need a manual for your BaByliss SL33E Scale? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 4 frequently asked questions, 4 comments and has 3 votes with an average product rating of 0/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Félicitations ! Vous venez dacquérir le pèse-personne
électronique Coaching de BaByliss. Ce bijou de tech-
nologie sera le partenaire idéal de votre forme, l’allié
de votre ligne et saura s’intégrer harmonieusement
dans votre salle de bain. Il vous aidera à atteindre vos
objectifs de bien-être grâce à des indicateurs simples
relatifs à votre poids. Son écran XXL avec indicateur
coloré vous permettra une lecture et une interprétation
instantanées de vos progrès.
Dans une société le rythme de vie s’accélère sans
cesse, le stress prend toujours une part croissante
et limage de soi acquiert de plus en plus d’impor-
tance, se sentir bien est devenu un objectif prioritaire.
Dans cette course au bien-être, le poids est la première
information à prendre en compte pour notre santé :
surpoids rime souvent avec eort physique plus dici-
le à réaliser. Le corps récupère moins rapidement et de-
vient vite handicapant au quotidien. Dans le cas d’une
insusance pondérale, le corps risque de ne plus trou-
ver d’apports énergétiques susants pour fonctionner
à plein régime. Il se fatigue beaucoup plus vite et ne
recharge plus ses batteries au même rythme. Dans les
deux cas, les conséquences de ce manque de tonus se
font ressentir au niveau psychologique en inuant di-
rectement sur le moral.
BaByliss, grâce à son savoir-faire technologique, appor-
te une réponse adaptée au besoin de suivre son poids
avec le pèse-personne électronique Coaching. Ce der-
nier est doté de diérents outils qui vous aideront à in-
terpréter votre poids et en faciliter le suivi.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.29 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the BaByliss SL33E Scale. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Roberto nardi 08-05-2020
How can I review past weights?

reply | This was helpful (0) (Translated by Google)
Maria 22-09-2020
Every time I get on the scale, it gives a different weight and it differs a lot from one another

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Jan Jansen 09-01-2021
No manual to be found

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Cindy PAPIER 25-09-2021
My scale screen is blurry

reply | This was helpful (0) (Translated by Google)

More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your BaByliss SL33E Scale. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact BaByliss. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your BaByliss SL33E Scale in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand BaByliss
Model SL33E
Category Scales
File type PDF
File size 0.29 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about BaByliss SL33E Scale

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My scale shows an unrealistically low weight when I stand on it, why is that? Verified

For the best result, the scale should be standing on a hard level surface. When the scale is standing on for example a rug this can influence the measurement.

This was helpful (2487) Read more

What is BMI? Verified

BMI stands for Body Mass Index and can be calculated by dividing your weight in kilogram by your length in meters squared. For example someone with a weight of 70 kilogram and a lenght of 1,75 meter has a BMI of 22,86. A BMI between 18,5 and 25 is considered healthy.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

This was helpful (755) Read more

Can I use a scale with wet feet? Verified

This depends on the scale. When using a diagnostic scale it is necessary that your feet are dry in order to properly perform the measurements.

This was helpful (447) Read more
Manual BaByliss SL33E Scale

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