Manual Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station

Need a manual for your Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 6 frequently asked questions, 18 comments and has 23 votes with an average product rating of 39/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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IAN 114324
Instrucciones de utilización y de seguridad
Bedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise
Operation and Safety Notes
Indicazioni per l’uso e per la sicurezza
IAN 114324IAN 304126
Instruções de utilização e de segurança
Download manual in English (PDF, 2.02 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Daniele 29-04-2020
Hi, since this morning the backlight of the display no longer works, you can no longer read anything. I would like to know if there is a solution or is it to be thrown away. With best regards

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Francesco sias 20-02-2021
The same thing happened to me. The lighting of the displays no longer works and it is also under warranty who should I contact?

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Fanny 11-02-2022
Same thing for me. Did you receive a response?

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R 12-01-2023
Me too, for a few days now, the brightness of the display has dropped more and more until the backlight has completely turned off. I bought it on 10/17/2018, therefore, as it was no longer under warranty, I disassembled it: there is a small bar with 2 mini-leds and, after trying them with the tester, it should probably be damaged one. Where can I find this backlight bar?

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guiet francis 27-07-2021
Hello the backlighting no longer works either through the field or plugging in the plug Thank you for your reply

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FLAVIO 25-04-2020
For a few days the batteries of the external unit were consuming quickly (Max duration about 2 months). Since yesterday the external unit does not work anymore, in synthesis I replace the batteries but the display of the external unit does not turn on anymore, it gives no more signals. I state that the estena unit was used under a malcone, inside an artisan wooden box, therefore preserved in optimal conditions. Could you kindly suggest me actions to solve the problem? Thanks.

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Nanit 26-01-2023
Hello, I see a lot of questions but no answers, while some questions really deserve an answer like: why the backlight of the device does not work anymore, how to fix it? Is it planned obsolescence beyond 3 years of activity corresponding, by chance, to the duration of the device's warranty? For one or two small LEDs or a small strip to change, how do you get these parts? This would avoid scrapping this weather station. THANKS

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Maurizio 10-07-2022
The display suddenly turned off and no longer turns on. The power supply also works because by removing the batteries you can see against the light that the station is active, but unfortunately the display does not. The 3-year warranty has just ended, is there anyway any repair center in the province of Turin?

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Serrano 15-08-2021
Hello, my radio-guided weather station is working except that it no longer indicates the outside temperature. I changed the batteries. Can help me? Thank you Model HG0202832C - IAN 302126

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Francisco 30-01-2022
I have an AURIOL 4 LD5631 Station, and the outdoor sensor shows 4 or 5 degrees more: can it be adjusted?

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Polachovičova Andrea 19-12-2022
Hello, because my outdoor sensor is not working. (oxidized interior - cannot be cleaned) I have a question if it is possible to buy the sensor separately somewhere. thank you for answer

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Carmen 14-05-2020
In the outside temperature receiver it says LL, L, I can't get it to change, why can it be?

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Patrick 21-02-2020
Do I have to do any setting up for the outdoor sensor after I inserted the batteries and placed it onto the wall?

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Eugenio Casto 27-02-2020
There is no way I can connect the outdoor unit with the master station. In fact, the detection of the external temperature is not detected. I tried to move everything to other environments, but the result is always the same. I am waiting for suggestions to solve the problem. Thanks.

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Pier mario ceresa 04-05-2021
The external sensor no longer works. I would like to buy one. Thank you

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Janko 28-03-2022
Hi menu also the lighting doesn't work anymore even though the adapter is plugged in does this solve this or should it be discarded? Thanks.

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M. LEROY 15-10-2022
Does the device come with an AC adapter and is there an AC adapter jack?

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Szűcs Péter 10-02-2024
The background light is gone, can anyone help? Thanks

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Auriol. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Auriol
Model IAN 304126
Category Weather Stations
File type PDF
File size 2.02 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My weather station prediced it would rain, but this didn't happen. Why is that? Verified

The prediction on the weather station is based on air pressure. In general low pressure means bad weather and high pressure means good weather. It's possible the weather pattern develops differently than the air pressure predicts.

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What is the model number of my Auriol product? Verified

Although some Auriol products have an alternative model number, all of them have an IAN number with which the product can be identified.

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What is the best location for a weather station and its sensors? Verified

The weather station itself is placed inside and needs to be kept away from heat sources such as the kitchen, windows or electrical appliances. A separate outside temperature sensor needs to placed in shadow and at least 1,25m above the ground. A rain sensor needs to be placed in an open area where it can always collect rain. A wind sensor needs to be placed in an open area too, with any obstacles influencing the wind.

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My weather station has a rain gauge, can it also measure the amount of snowfall? Verified

Some rain gauges are equipped with a heating element, making the snow melt and allowing it to be measured. Without heating element the rain gauge will clog and no measurement can be performed.

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Can I leave a replacable battery in a device for a long time? Verified

Replacable batteries can remain in a device for a long time if the device is in use. When a device is being stored for a long time it is advisable to remove the batteries to prevent oxidation.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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Manual Auriol IAN 304126 Weather Station

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