Manuals for Triopo Flashes

Below you can find all models Triopo Flashes for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

What is the guide number? Verified

The guide number indicates the maximum amount of flash light that the flash can produce. A higher number means that the subject can be illuminated from a greater distance.

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Latest comments

Manual Triopo TR-980C Speedlight Flash
Михаил 12-09-2023
Здравствуйте! Нужна схема платы с описанием для ремонта (CN-Lamp V2.0 номер 209402) вспышка tr-980c

Triopo TR-980C Speedlight Flash
Manual Triopo TR600RT Flash
Hans Ouwerkerk 10-06-2022
I recently acquired a Triopo TR-600RT Speedlight. However, I do not have a manual and am looking for a Dutch manual. Who can help me with that????

(Translated by Google)
Triopo TR600RT Flash
Manual Triopo TR-950 Speedlight Flash
Yousra 25-02-2022
The flash triopo te-950 does not always flash how can I reset it ? I hope you can give me more wisdom

(Translated by Google)
Triopo TR-950 Speedlight Flash
Manual Triopo TR-980N Speedlight Flash
Fabio alvarez 13-01-2022
En el manual dice que tiene rpt pero en la pantalla aparece "multi" y no logro que funcione en la nikon d500, alguien sabe si debo configurar algo en especial? Gracias

Triopo TR-980N Speedlight Flash
Manual Triopo TR-950 Speedlight Flash
Robison Gomes da Silva 30-09-2020
Esse flash da triopo TR-950, funciona com qualquer radio flash?

Triopo TR-950 Speedlight Flash