Manual Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone

Need a manual for your Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 6 frequently asked questions, 6 comments and has 5 votes with an average product rating of 60/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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EN: If earphones are power off outside the case, touch
and hold touch surface for 3 seconds on both sides to turn
them on. The two earphones will auto-pairing, the indicators
lit in white. When the left earphone indicator will flash in
white and red, the earphones are ready for pairing. Open the
phone’s bluetooth device to search “TEW-3100”, the prompts
will be heard after pairing successfully.
SV: Om hörlurarna är avstängda utanför höljet, tryck och
håll touch ytan i 3 sekunder på båda sidor för att slå på dem.
De två hörlurarna kopplas automatiskt in, indikatorerna lyser i vitt. När indikatorn
till vänster hörlurar blinkar i vitt och rött är hörlurarna redo för parning. Öppna
telefonens Bluetooth-enhet för att söka i “TEW-3100”, instruktionerna kommer
att höras efter att parning har lyckats.
NO: Hvis øretelefoner er slått av utenfor saken, berør og hold berørings-
flaten i 3 sekunder på begge sider for å slå dem på. De to øretelefonene kobles
automatisk sammen, indikatorene lyser i hvitt. Når indikatoren for venstre
øretelefon blinker i hvitt og rødt, er øretelefonene klare for sammenkobling. Åpne
telefonens Bluetooth-enhet for å søke på “TEW-3100”, så blir spørsmålene hørt
etter sammenkobling.
EN: When charging, the charging indicators
flash and show the remaining power: 1 light
means 1%-25% battery, 2 lights means 25%-
50%, 3 lights means 50%-75% and 4 lights
means 75%-100%.
SV: Vid laddning blinkar laddningsindika-
torerna och visar återstående effekt: 1 lampa betyder 1% -25% batteri, 2 lampor
betyder 25% -50%, 3 lampor betyder 50% -75% och 4 lampor betyder 75%
NO: Når du lader, blinker lade indikatorene og viser den gjenværende kraft-
en: 1 lys betyr 1% -25% batteri, 2 lys betyr 25% -50%, 3 lys betyr 50% -75% og
4 lys betyr 75% -100%.
EN: Pick up the earphones from the
charging case to turn on automatically. Put
them back to charging case, the earphone will
power off and be charged automatically.
SV: Plocka upp hörlurarna från laddnings-
fodralet för att slå på automatiskt. Sätt dem
tillbaka till laddningsfodralet, hörlurarna stängs
av och laddas automatiskt.
NO: Plukk opp øretelefonene fra lade sak
for å slå på den automatisk. Sett dem tilbake til
lade tilfelle, øretelefonen slås av og lades automatisk.
EN: Put the earphones to the corresponding position in the bottom of the
charging case, use the type-C cable to connect with computer or mobile phone
charger. The charging indicator flashes when
charging, when full charged, the 4 charging in-
dicators light up.
SV: Sätt hörlurarna till motsvarande läge
i botten av laddningsfodralet, använd typ-C-kabeln för att ansluta till dator
eller mobiltelefonladdare. Laddningsindikatorn blinkar vid laddning, när den är
fulladdad, lyser de 4 laddningsindikatorerna.
NO: Sett øretelefonene
til tilsvarende posisjon i
bunnen av lade sak, bruk
type-C-kabelen til å koble til
datamaskin eller mobiltelefon
lader. Ladeindikatoren
blinker når den lades, når
den er fulladet, lyser de 4
1. Left earphone
2. Right earphone
3. Touch surface
4. Earphone indicator
5. Charging case
6. Charging indicator
TEW-3100 | Ture Wireless Earphone
1. Vänster hörlur
2. Höger hörlur
3. Touch ytan
4. Hörlurs indikator
5. Laddningsfodral
6. Laddningsindikator
1. Venstre øretelefon
2. Høyre øretelefon
3. Berørings området
4. Øretelefonindikator
5. Lade sak
6. Ladeapparat
Get started/ Kom igång/ Komme i gang:
EN: TWS Reconnected:
Power off the earphone or put it back to the
charging case --> Power on the earphone or take it
out of the charging case --> The two earphones will
connect each other automatically in a few seconds.
SV: TWS återanslutet:
Stäng av hörluren eller lägg tillbaka den i
laddningsfodralet --> Sätt på hörluren eller ta ur den
ur laddningsfodralet --> De två hörlurarna kommer att
kopplas till varanda automatiskt inom några sekunder.
NO: TWS koblet til på:
Slå av øretelefonen eller sette den tilbake til
ladeetuiet--> strøm på øretelefonen eller ta den ut av
ladeetuiet--> de to øretelefonene vil koble hverandre
automatisk om noen sekunder.
EN: Restore factory settings:
Long press the touch surface of right earphone
to turn off. Long press the touch surface of both
earphones until the indicators flash in white and red,
double press the touch surface of both earphones
to start reset automatically. When one earphone
indicator flashes in white and red and the other one
indicator is turn off, the reset is completed.
SV: Återställ fabriksinställningarna:
Tryck länge på tryckytan på höger hörlur för att stän-
ga av. Tryck länge på tryckytan på båda hörlurarna
tills indikatorerna blinkar i vitt och rött, dubbeltryck på
tryckytan på båda hörlurarna för att starta återställning
automatiskt. När en hörlurar indikator blinkar i vitt och
rött och den andra indikatorn stängs av är återställnin-
gen avslutad.
NO: Gjenopprett fabrikkinnstillinger:
Trykk lenge på berørings området på høyre øretele-
fon for å slå av. Trykk lenge på begge øretelefonene
til indikatorene blinker i hvitt og rødt, dobbelt trykk på
berøringsflaten på begge øretelefonene for å starte
tilbakestillingen automatisk. Når den ene øretelefon
indikatoren blinker i hvitt og rødt og den andre indika-
toren er slått av, er tilbakestillingen fullført.
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.24 MB)
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Here you can share what you think about the Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Thomas Björk 24-07-2020
TEW-3100, Can you increase or decrease the volume on them with presses? Or it just works with the phone

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Christian Kozma Holm 06-06-2021
I have the same question I have. Feels quite hard to pull out the phone to turn up especially when working, I listen to podcast's.

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KK 07-10-2020
every time i call with the headphones i get the question where because i hear so bad, i hear very clearly what is being said but hear myself bad. can one change the mobile settings or reached to improve the mic sound?

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Irene Andren 08-04-2021
I got these as a gift and do not manage to pair so both headphones work. They only work one at a time. Frustrated

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Hörlurs fixaren 24-10-2021
Hi mine were the same but it turned out that there is a gap in the charge. Touch the headset, which does not work, when it is in the case

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Christian Kozma Holm 06-06-2021
I recently bought these "Andersson TEW-3100 Headphones". I learned all the touch function, however, it does not say in the instruction manual that you can turn up or down the volume in any way. Maybe not even such a feature but I still want to ask.

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Andersson. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Andersson
Model TEW-3100
Category Headphones
File type PDF
File size 0.24 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

When I connect a headphone to my device it doesn't work properly, what can I do? Verified

It is possible that dirt has amassed in the opening where the headphone is connected, preventing it from making proper contact. The best way to clean this is with compressed air. When in doubt, have this done by a professional.

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When is my music too loud? Verified

Sounds over 80 decibel (dB) can start to damage hearing. Sounds over 120 dB immediately damage hearing. The severity of the damage depens on how often and how long the sound is present.

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What is Noise Cancelling? Verified

Noise Canceling is a technique that is mainly used in headphones. Active noise control is used to lower or eliminate the influence of ambient noise.

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Does bluetooth work through walls and ceilings? Verified

A bluetooth signal will work through walls and ceiling, unless these are made from metal. Depending on the thickness and the material of the wall the signal can lose in strength.

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Up to what noise level is it safe for children? Verified

Children get their hearing damaged quicker than adults. Therefore it is important to never expose children to noise louder than 85dB. In the case of headphones there are special models for children. In case of speakers or other situations you have to be watchful the noise does not exceed that level.

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Can I wrap the cord around the device after use? Verified

It's better not to do this, because it can damage the cord. The best thing to do is wrap the cord the way it was when the product was packaged.

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Manual Andersson TEW-3100 Headphone

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