Manual Andersson TEW-300 Headphone

Need a manual for your Andersson TEW-300 Headphone? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 6 frequently asked questions, 11 comments and has 44 votes with an average product rating of 7/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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User Manual
English | Svenska | Norsk
TEW-300 | True wireless earphone
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Here you can share what you think about the Andersson TEW-300 Headphone. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Veronica L 13-12-2019
Hey! I only get sound in either right or left but not in both at the same time. In the beginning I got sound in both but then first put the left off then I paired again but then only the left & not the right worked. What could this be due to? Sincerely Veronica

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Catrine Wilny 08-01-2020
After pairing, it can only be heard in the upper shell. Has paired several times but the same problem. What do I do?

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Linda Johansson 24-01-2020
Anyone got it right ?? Have the same problem, do not get sound in both, but only in hay or wee but not both at the same time :( sooo noisy when I just bought them

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Moa stifors 21-02-2020
I've had the exact same problem but I fixed it now. Turn off the headphones & then after that you hold on the touch surface for 10 seconds because then you erase the memory of them (they should flash a few times). After that you put them in the shell. Then you go to bluetooth and press "Forget device" and then you pick up the headphones and hold on the touch surface for 2-5 seconds then the right headphone should flash and then you turn on bluetooth and connect to the headphones then they should play in both

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Fredrik B 12-01-2020
Hi Veronica, Did you come up with a solution? I have exactly the same problem with my headphones. / Fredrik

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Mona Johansson 28-07-2020
Hi, I can no longer connect the headphones to my phone but it works on the iPad. Can you do something? I have tried to turn it off but no difference

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Mia 04-06-2019
My couple can not connect can you help me?

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Catharina J 31-01-2020
Have the same problem, can anyone help me?

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dave 03-03-2020
why can you not SHOW on that fucking touch display sitting for no hands when I press on the outside, then it does not want to keep connection but disappears and that where I got the shit started ONCE by mistake so only a handset worked. . think they are an April Fool's joke!

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Mona Johansson 28-07-2020
Hi, I can no longer connect the headphones to my phone but it works on the iPad. Can you do something? I have tried to turn it off but no difference

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John Doe 19-03-2023
Here you can share what you think about this product. If you have a question, first carefull read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Andersson TEW-300 Headphone. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Andersson. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Andersson TEW-300 Headphone in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Andersson
Model TEW-300
Category Headphones
File type PDF
File size 0.37 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Andersson TEW-300 Headphone

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

When I connect a headphone to my device it doesn't work properly, what can I do? Verified

It is possible that dirt has amassed in the opening where the headphone is connected, preventing it from making proper contact. The best way to clean this is with compressed air. When in doubt, have this done by a professional.

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When is my music too loud? Verified

Sounds over 80 decibel (dB) can start to damage hearing. Sounds over 120 dB immediately damage hearing. The severity of the damage depens on how often and how long the sound is present.

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What is Noise Cancelling? Verified

Noise Canceling is a technique that is mainly used in headphones. Active noise control is used to lower or eliminate the influence of ambient noise.

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Does bluetooth work through walls and ceilings? Verified

A bluetooth signal will work through walls and ceiling, unless these are made from metal. Depending on the thickness and the material of the wall the signal can lose in strength.

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Up to what noise level is it safe for children? Verified

Children get their hearing damaged quicker than adults. Therefore it is important to never expose children to noise louder than 85dB. In the case of headphones there are special models for children. In case of speakers or other situations you have to be watchful the noise does not exceed that level.

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Can I wrap the cord around the device after use? Verified

It's better not to do this, because it can damage the cord. The best thing to do is wrap the cord the way it was when the product was packaged.

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Manual Andersson TEW-300 Headphone