Manual Alecto WS-500 Weather Station

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Weerstation met voorspellingsfunctie
Station météo avec prévision
Wetterstation mit Voraussage Funktion
Weather Forecast with Alarm Clock
Previsão Meteorológica com Despertador
Voeding - Allimentation - Stromversorgung
Power supply - Fonte de Alimentação
Verwijder het batterijdekseltje aan de onderzijde van de WS-500 en plaats
2x AAA 1,5V batterij zoals op de tekening is aangegeven.
Enlevez le couvercle du compartiment à piles en bas du WS-500 et placez
les piles 2 x AAA 1,5V comme indiqué dans le dessin.
Entfernen Sie den Batteriefachdeckel an der Unterseite des WS-500 und
setzen Sie 2x 1.5V AAA Batterien ein, wie es auf der Zeichnung angezeigt
Remove the battery cover from the bottom part of the WS-500 and install
2x AAA 1,5V battery as indicated on the drawing.
Remova a tampa do compartimento de pilhas na
parte de trás do WS-500 e coloque 2 pilhas tipo
AAA 1.5V respeitando a polaridade no interior.
Speci caties - spéci cations - Spezi kationen
Speci cations - Especi cações:
Temperatuur bereik
Portée de température
Temperaturspanne -10°C to +70°C
Temperature range 14.0°F to 158°F
Alcance de temperatura
Au ösung 0.1°C / 0.2°F
Aanbevolen gebruikstemperatuur
Plage de fonctionnement proposée
Vorgeschlagener Betriebsbereich
0°C to +50°C
Proposed operating range
32.0°F to 128°F
Proposta de alcance / funcionamento
Speisung 2x 1.5V battery
Power supply AAA / UM-4
Fonte de alimentação
Batterij levensduur
Durée de vie des piles
Lebensdaur Batterien 12 months
Battery lifetime
Duração das pilhas
Milieu – Environnement – Umweltshutz
Environment - Ambiente
Op het einde van de levenscyclus van het product mag u dit product niet
bij het normale huishoudelijke afval gooien, maar moet u het naar een
inzamelpunt brengen voor de recycling van elektrische en elektronische
Au terme du cycle de vie de ce produit, vous ne devez pas jeter le produit
dans les déchets ménagers ordinaires mais le déposer dans un point de
collecte pour le recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques.
Am Ende der Lebensdauer des Produkts sollten Sie dieses Produkt nicht
in den normalen Hausmüll werfen, sondern bei einer Sammelstelle für die
Aufbereitung von elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten abgeben.
At the end of the product lifecycle, you should not throw this product into
the normal household garbage but bring the product to a collection point
for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipments.
Tenha em conta que quando este equipamento já não tiver uso,
deve ir para reciclagem. Não coloque este produto juntamente
com lixo doméstico.
Verklaring van conformiteit - Déclaration de conformité
Erklärung zur konformität - Declaration of conformity
Declaração de conformidade
De verklaring van conformiteit is beschikbaar op de website:
Vous retrouverez la déclaration de conformité sur le website
Deklaration der Conformität steht zur verfügung auf der web-site:
The declaration of conformity is available on the website:
A declaração de conformidade está disponível no website:
+31 (0) 73 6411 355
Download manual in English (PDF, 1.41 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Alecto WS-500 Weather Station. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Alecto. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Alecto WS-500 Weather Station in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Alecto
Model WS-500
Category Weather Stations
File type PDF
File size 1.41 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alecto WS-500 Weather Station

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

My weather station prediced it would rain, but this didn't happen. Why is that? Verified

The prediction on the weather station is based on air pressure. In general low pressure means bad weather and high pressure means good weather. It's possible the weather pattern develops differently than the air pressure predicts.

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What is the best location for a weather station and its sensors? Verified

The weather station itself is placed inside and needs to be kept away from heat sources such as the kitchen, windows or electrical appliances. A separate outside temperature sensor needs to placed in shadow and at least 1,25m above the ground. A rain sensor needs to be placed in an open area where it can always collect rain. A wind sensor needs to be placed in an open area too, with any obstacles influencing the wind.

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My weather station has a rain gauge, can it also measure the amount of snowfall? Verified

Some rain gauges are equipped with a heating element, making the snow melt and allowing it to be measured. Without heating element the rain gauge will clog and no measurement can be performed.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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Can I leave a replacable battery in a device for a long time? Verified

Replacable batteries can remain in a device for a long time if the device is in use. When a device is being stored for a long time it is advisable to remove the batteries to prevent oxidation.

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Manual Alecto WS-500 Weather Station