Manual Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker

Need a manual for your Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 1 frequently asked question, 15 comments and has 15 votes with an average product rating of 20/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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AD 4486
(D) bedienungsanweisung - 4 (H) felhasználói kézikönyv - 22
(E) manual de uso - 8 (NL) handleiding - 31
(F) mode d'emploi - 6 (FIN) käyttöopas - 35
(GB) user manual - 3 (BIH) upute za rad - 20
(P) manual de serviço - 10 (HR) upute za uporabu - 33
(LT) naudojimo instrukcija - 13 (RUS) инструкция обслуживания - 29
(LV) lietošanas instrukcija - 14 (SLO) navodila za uporabo - 49
(EST) kasutusjuhend - 16 (I) istruzioni per l’uso - 41
(CZ) návod k obsluze - 24 (DK) brugsanvisning - 45
(RO) Instrucţiunea de deservire - 18 (UA) інструкція з експлуатації - 47
(GR) οδηγίες χρήσεως - 27 (SR) kорисничко упутство - 43
(SK) používateľská príručka - 39 (S) instruktionsbok - 37
(MK) упатство за корисникот - 25 (PL) instrukcja obsługi - 52
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F. Delbeke 23-07-2021
Does 160 ml of water have to be put in the tube each time or does it depend on the number of eggs? Eg 4 eggs - 80 ml; 6 eggs 120 ml ?

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André 24-12-2022
Amount of water has nothing to do with the number of eggs, but with the cooking time. 1 to 8 eggs soft boiled 40 ml 1 to 8 eggs medium 80 ml 1 to 8 eggs hard 160 ml

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Rainer 28-01-2021
I had added 40 ml of water for 2 eggs, set it to medium, but the egg was totally mushy and not cooked. What was the mistake? greeting

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Tina Dario Shariat 29-08-2021
I can't see how much water to add anywhere. Doesn't that vary with a different number of eggs to be boiled ???

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F. Delbeke 23-07-2021
Does 160 ml of water have to be put in the tube each time or does it depend on the number of eggs? Eg 4 eggs - 80 ml; 6 eggs 120 ml ?

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Acke Ivan 16-08-2021
Same question as Mr/Mrs. Delbeke, how much water i.v. the number of eggs?

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Loes Harmse 12-01-2022
Can someone tell me how much water I need to put in for 2 soft boiled eggs. I do not understand the division on the measuring cup, please answer.

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Christine Masy 18-11-2021
Hello, I do not understand how to dose the amount of water for two soft-boiled eggs, for example. it is not indicated in the instructions for use. I tried to divide by 8 the measure for an egg, the egg was not cooked enough, so I tried again with the double and there it was perfect. But what if I want two? On my old egg cooker, it was indicated by number of eggs and by category (boiled, soft or hard)

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Christine Masy 18-11-2021
Hello, I do not understand how to dose the amount of water for two soft-boiled eggs, for example. it is not indicated in the instructions for use. I tried to divide by 8 the measure for an egg, the egg was not cooked enough, so I tried again with the double and there it was perfect. But what if I want two?

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Eva Lindqvist 09-01-2022
1.) How much water should be added for eg 4 eggs? according to. the instructions for use are only 160 ml, nothing if it is the same for all numbers of eggs. 2) I laid 8 eggs, 160 ml of water and medium. after the alarm, the eggs were mostly raw, I had to cook them on the stove afterwards to be able to eat them.

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Loes Harmse 12-01-2022
Can someone tell me how much water I need to put in for 2 soft boiled eggs. I do not understand the division on the measuring cup, please answer.

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Arne Præstegaard 31-08-2022
I would like information on how much water should be added when cooking varying numbers of eggs, either soft-boiled, medium-boiled or hard-boiled. I am waiting for a reply - with kind regards, Arne

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Heidi Aagaard 12-09-2022
How are poached eggs made? Should there be oil in the black egg tray or should water go down to the heater? The next question is, like many others ask, must 160 ml of water always be used regardless of the number of eggs for boiling?

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Dieter N. 19-10-2022
I'm missing the amount of water for the number of eggs and the cooking state soft, medium, hard? Kind regards dieter

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Iwona Bernaś 19-01-2024
Good morning. I just bought the egg-shaped Adler AD 4486 I'm wondering how to soft boil 3 eggs. Pour 160ml for 3 pieces and they will cook hard. In general, I don't understand why 160 ml of water is poured into each type of egg. There is no information about the size of the eggs. And this is of great importance. A small egg takes less time to cook. Big...longer. There is no information on how much water to add to fried eggs All in all, an egg cooker makes no sense. Please reply

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Adler. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Adler
Model AD 4486
Category Egg Cookers
File type PDF
File size 2.95 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How long should I boil eggs? Verified

This depends on how hard the egg should be and how large the egg is. In general it can be said that for soft eggs, boiling time should be 3-4 minutes, medium boiled 5-6 minutes and hard boiled eggs 8-10 minutes. Results can vary between brands and models.

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Manual Adler AD 4486 Egg Cooker

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