Manual T'nB TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim Remote Control

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Universal remote control
Télécommande universelle
- S
• Your T’nB universal remote control will let you to operate your sitting-room appliances after you have followed
the instructions below.
• Before using for the first time, please read the user instructions in full and keep them in a safe place
for future reference.
1 - Place, according to the correct polarity, the supplied 2025 button battery in the remote control battery
2 - Programming the remote control.
• During the programming process, be sure to keep the remote control pointing to the device that you wish
to operate.
• Votre télécommande universelle T’nB va vous permettre de piloter vos appareils de salon après avoir suivi
les instructions ci-dessous.
• Avant toute première utilisation, veuillez lire entièrement la notice d’utilisation et la conserver précieusement
pour pouvoir vous y référer ultérieurement.
1 - Introduisez la pile bouton 2025 fournie dans le compartiment de la télécommande en respectant
la polarité.
2 - Réglez la télécommande.
• Pendant la phase de programmation veillez à toujours pointer la télécommande vers l’appareil que vous
souhaitez contrôler.
- M
• Una vez leídas las siguientes instrucciones, su telemando universal T’nB le permitirá pilotar sus aparatos
• Antes de la primera utilización, le rogamos lea completamente el manual de uso y lo conserve
cuidadosamente a fin de poder consultarlo posteriormente.
1 - Introduzca la pila botón 2025 incluida en el compartimento del telemando, respetando la polaridad.
2 - Ajuste el telemando.
• Durante la fase de programación, dirija siempre el telemando hacia el aparato que desea controlar.
- I
• O seu telecomando universal T’nB vai-lhe permitir comandar os seus aparelhos de sala depois de ter seguido
as instruções abaixo.
• Antes da primeira utilização, leia inteiramente as instruções de utilização e guarde-as com cuidado para
as poder consultar no futuro.
1 - Introduza a pilha de pastilha 2025 fornecida no compartimento do telecomando respeitando
a polaridade.
2 - Regule o telecomando.
• Durante a fase de programação tenha o cuidado de apontar sempre o telecomando para o aparelho
que deseja controlar.
- I
• Il telecomando universale T’nB Vi permetterà di gestire gli apparecchi da salotto, semplicemente seguendo
le istruzioni di seguito riportate.
• Prima dell’utilizzo, si raccomanda di leggere le istruzioni d’uso e di conservarle accuratamente
per eventuali riferimenti futuri.
1 - Inserire la pila a bottone 2025 fornita in dotazione nel relativo vano del telecomando, rispettando
la polarità.
2 - Regolazione del telecomando.
• Durante la fase di programmazione, puntare sempre il telecomando verso l’apparecchio da gestire.
- H
• Uw universele afstandsbediening T’nB stelt u in staat uw apparatuur in de huiskamer te bedienen
na onderstaand beschreven instructies te hebben opgevolgd.
• Vóór de ingebruikname leest u aandachtig de gebruikshandleiding door en bewaart hem zorgvuldig voor
raadpleging in een later stadium.
1 - Plaats de geleverde mini-batterij 2025 in het batterijenvakje van de afstandsbediening en respecteer
hierbij de polariteit.
2 - Stel de afstandsbediening in.
• Zorg er tijdens de programmeringsfase altijd voor de afstandsbediening te richten op het apparaat
dat u wenst te bedienen.
notice TCUNSLIM-36p:notice TCUNSLIM-36p 16/06/09 11:55 Page 1
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(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your T'nB TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim Remote Control. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact TnB. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your T'nB TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim Remote Control in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand TnB
Model TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim
Category Remote Controls
File type PDF
File size 0.59 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about T'nB TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim Remote Control

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How do I connect a universal remote control to my television? Verified

To connect your universal remote control, you need the model number and brand name of both the remote control and the television. There is a list of codes for brands and model numbers in the manual of the remote control .

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Why are there letters next to the numbers on the remote control? Verified

Certain television settings may require you to enter letters. There are usually three letters or other characters on a button. When letter input is required, you can press that button once for the first letter, press twice for the second letter and press 3 times for the third letter. This way, text can be written with a minimum number of buttons.

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Will my remote control also work on other television models of the same brand? Verified

Often a remote control of a television will also work on similar models of the same brand. However, it is unusual that it will work on all models of that brand. Universal remote controls are more suited to do this.

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What is the average range of an infrared remote control? Verified

An average infrared remote control had a range of around 3 to 6 meters. Also, the further away the device is, the harder it will be to aim.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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Can I leave a replacable battery in a device for a long time? Verified

Replacable batteries can remain in a device for a long time if the device is in use. When a device is being stored for a long time it is advisable to remove the batteries to prevent oxidation.

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Manual T'nB TCUNSLIM6 Stylislim Remote Control

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