Manuals for Xavax Kitchen Scales

Below you can find all models Xavax Kitchen Scales for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

Is your product defective and the manual offers no solution? Go to a Repair Café for free repair services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

How many grams go into one ounce? Verified

One ounce is exactly 28,3495231 gram or 28,5 gram when rounded up.

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A battery in my device is oxidized, can I still safely use it? Verified

Ja, the device can still be safely used. Firstly, remove the oxidizd battery. Never use bare hands to do this. Then clean the battery compartment with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice. Let it dry and insert new batteries.

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How do I clean my kitchen scale? Verified

A kitchen scale is an electronic device and as such it can't be cleaned in a dishwasher. Use a damp cloth and mild detergent to clean the kitchen scale.

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Latest comments

Manual Xavax Julia Kitchen Scale
dr.Burger Sándorné 27-03-2023
I have a Xavax Julia kitchen scale. What element does it require?

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Xavax Julia Kitchen Scale
Manual Xavax Milla Kitchen Scale
Jasmin Schiefer 02-09-2020
I have the same problem .. apparently it has to be recalibrated, but I don't know how to do it: / Please answer!

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Xavax Milla Kitchen Scale
Manual Xavax Milla Kitchen Scale
Karl-Heinz Nöding 23-03-2020
Our balance shows the following error message: "out2". Can you help me?

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Xavax Milla Kitchen Scale