Manual Haier DW12-CBE6 I Dishwasher

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For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact
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you purchased the product.
Le symbole sur le produit ou son emballage indique que ce produit ne peut
être traité comme déchet ménager. Il doit plutôt être remis au point de ramassage
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vous assurant que ce produit est éliminé correctement, vous favorisez la
prévention des conséquences négatives pour l’environnement et la santé
humaine qui, sinon, seraient le résultat d’un traitement inapproprié des déchets
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Pour obtenir plus de détails sur le recyclage de ce produit, veuillez prendre
contact avec le bureau municipal de votre région, votre service d’élimination
des déchets ménagers ou le magasin où vous avez acheté le produit.
Das Symbol auf dem Produkt oder seiner Verpackung weist darauf hin,
dass dieses Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall zu behandeln ist, sondern
an einem Sammelpunkt für das Recycling von elektrischen und elektronischen
Geräten abgegeben werden muss. Durch Ihren Beitrag zum korrekten Entsorgen
dieses Produkts schützen Sie die Umwelt und die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitmenschen.
Umwelt und Gesundheit werden durch falsches Entsorgen gefährdet.
Weitere Informationen über das Recycling dieses Produkts erhalten Sie von Ihrem
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El símbolo en el producto o en su embalaje indica que este producto no se
puede tratar como desperdicios normales del hogar. Este producto se debe
entregar al punto de recolección de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos para
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ayudará a evitar posibles consecuencias negativas para el ambiente y la salud
pública, lo cual podría ocurrir si este producto no se manipula de forma adecuada.
Para obtener información más detallada sobre el reciclaje de este producto,
póngase en contacto con la administración de su ciudad, con su servicio de
desechos del hogar o con la tienda donde compró el producto.
Il simbolo sul prodotto o sulla confezione indica che il prodotto non deve
essere considerato come un normale rifiuto domestico, ma deve essere portato
nel punto di raccolta appropriato per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature elettriche
ed elettroniche. Provvedendo a smaltire questo prodotto in modo appropriato, si
contribuisce a evitare potenziali conseguenze negative per l’ambiente e per la
salute, che potrebbero derivare da uno smaltimento inadeguato del prodotto.
Per informazioni più dettagliate sul riciclaggio di questo prodotto, contattare
l’ufficio comunale, il servizio locale di smaltimento rifiuti o il negozio in cui è stato
acquistato il prodotto.
Het symbool op het product of op de verpakking wijst erop dat dit product
niet als huishoudafval mag worden behandeld. Het moet echter naar een plaats
worden gebracht waar elektrische en elektronische apparatuur wordt gerecycled.
Als u ervoor zorgt dat dit product op de correcte manier wordt verwijderd,
voorkomt u mogelijk voor mens en milieu negatieve gevolgen die zich zouden
kunnen voordoen in geval van verkeerde afvalbehandeling.
Voor meer details in verband met het recyclen van dit product, neemt u het best
contact op met de gemeentelijke instanties, het bedrijf of de dienst belast met
de verwijdering van huishoudafval of de winkel waar u het product hebt gekocht.
O símbolo no produto ou na embalagem indica que este produto não pode
ser tratado como lixo doméstico. Em vez disso, deve ser entregue ao centro de
recolha selectiva para a reciclagem de equipamento eléctrico e electrónico. Ao
garantir uma eliminação adequada deste produto, irá ajudar a evitar eventuais
consequências negativas para o meio ambiente e para a saúde pública, que, de
outra forma, poderiam ser provocadas por um tratamento incorrecto do produto.
Para obter informações mais pormenorizadas sobre a reciclagem deste produto,
contacte os serviços municipalizados locais, o centro de recolha selectiva da
sua área de residência ou o estabelecimento onde adquiriu o produto.
Download manual in English (PDF, 1.54 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Haier DW12-CBE6 I Dishwasher. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Haier. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Haier DW12-CBE6 I Dishwasher in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Haier
Model DW12-CBE6 I
Category Dishwashers
File type PDF
File size 1.54 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Haier DW12-CBE6 I Dishwasher

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

After my dishwasher has finished it's cycle, the container that holds the tablet hasn't opened. How is this possible? Verified

This problem is often caused by dishes that are blocking the container. Check this before turning on the dishwasher.

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The dishwasher does not heat the water anymore, why is that? Verified

It is likely that the heating element is defective. Have it replaced. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

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Can I use regular salt in my dishwasher? Verified

No, regular salt may contain substances that can cause damage to your appliance.

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Do I need to rinse my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Verified

Rinsing the dishes is not necessary, but you do need to remove any large, hard and fat leftovers. These could clog the drain over time.

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Can I open the dishwasher while it is running? Verified

Most dishwashers are equipped with a water stop, making the program stop immediately when the door is opened and meaning no water will come out. With some models this can cause problems over time. With built-in dishwashers it is possible that frequently opening the dishwasher while running may cause water damage to surrounging cabinets because of the steam that is released.

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Should I open the dishwasher after it finished running to have the dishes dry quicker? Verified

This depends on the type of dishwasher and the location of the dishwasher. Some dishwashers are equipped with a feature that dries the dishes after the washing program. In that case opening the dishwasher will have no added value. With built-in dishwashers it is possible that frequently opening the dishwasher while running may cause water damage to surrounging cabinets because of the steam that is released.

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After the dishwaser has finished its cycle, the plastic dishes are still wet but the rest isn't. Why is that? Verified

Plastic is a bad conductor of heat, allowing the products to cool down quickly. The moisture that remains on it then evaporates far less than for example on ceramics or metal.

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Can I connect a dishwasher to an extension cord? Verified

Appliances that require large amounts of power, like a dishwasher, can not be connected to all extension cords. See what the power usage of the dishwasher is, which is indicated in Watt, and check if the extension cord cn handle this. There are extension cords with thicker cables that are made to handle larger appliances.

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Is it a problem to have scratches on the metal on the inside of the dishwasher? Verified

The inside of most dishwashers is made of stainless steel and are not affected by scratches.

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Can I put pans with Teflon in the dishwasher? Verified

Yes, you can. However, the pan will wear faster than when it is cleaned by hand. When cleaning a pan with Teflon by hand, never use a scourer but use a soft sponge or cloth.

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Can I put wooden objects such as spatulas and cutting boards in the dishwasher? Verified

No. Wooden objects can get damaged or warped in a dishwasher. Also, the wood fibres that come free might damage the dishwasher. Wooden cutting boards are often made with glue that can come loose after being in the dishwasher several times.

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Manual Haier DW12-CBE6 I Dishwasher

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