Manual Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher

Need a manual for your Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher? Below you can view and download the PDF manual for free in English. This product currently has 11 frequently asked questions, 3 comments and has 3 votes with an average product rating of 100/100. If this is not the manual you want, please contact us.

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Este aparato, destinado a un uso exclusivamente doméstico, ha sido concebido para lavado de
Muy importante: Lea íntegramente este manual antes de instalar y utilizar el lavavajillas. La
documentación y accesorios, los encontrará en el interior.
Este manual está diseñado de forma que los textos estén relacionados con el dibujo
Manual de Instrucciones
Identifique el modelo de su lavavajillas (“a”,
“b”, “c”, “d”, “e” o “f”) comparando el panel de
mandos con las ilustraciones.
1.1 Conexión a la red de agua (1.1.1)
La manguera debe de pasar entre la
pared y el lavavajillas por la parte inferior
de éste (1.1.2), asegurándose de que los
tubos no se estrangulen o queden
excesivamente tirantes (1.1.3).
La presión del agua a la red deberá estar
entre 0,05 y 1 Mp (0,5 a 10 kg/cm2).
Si su lavavajillas admite toma de agua
caliente, puede conectar el tubo al grifo
de agua caliente. En este caso la
temperatura máxima no debe superar los
1.2 Desagüe. Instale el codo suministrado y
respete las cotas del dibujo.
1.3 Conexión a la red eléctrica. Tenga en
cuenta los datos de la placa de
características (1.3) y nunca la despegue.
En caso de encastre, la clavija de toma
de corriente deberá ser accesible
después de la instalación.
1.4 Nivele correctamente el lavavajillas para
evitar problemas funcionales (1.4.1).
Si va a colocar el aparato bajo encimera,
puede hacerlo con o sin tapa.
Si por necesidad de Encastre precisa
retirar la tapa (1.4.2 - 1.4.3) siga las fases
indicadas en los dibujos (1-2-3). Debido a
la facilidad de extracción de la tapa sin
necesidad de utilizar ninguna
herramienta especial, se puede
considerar como una máquina de
integración. En ese caso, tenga en
cuenta las dimensiones del dibujo
Los aparatos Integrables permiten
nivelar las patas traseras desde la parte
frontal. Para ello, antes de introducirlo
en su hueco, aproxímelo y elévelo
girando la pata trasera (1.4.5) hasta
dejar un espacio de unos 3mm con la
Introduzca el lavavajillas y asegúrese de
que los tubos y el cable no queden
atrapados tras el zócalo. Ajústelo a la
encimera hasta que la parte superior del
aparato tome contacto ligeramente con
ella (1.4.6).
Para integrarlo en una fila de muebles
con zócalo único, desatornille el zócalo
del lavavajillas y retírelo (1.4.7). Suelte
los soportes de las patas (1.4.8).
Enrosque las patas regulables en el
lavavajillas (1.4.9 - 1.4.10). Encaje el
zócalo de la cocina y, si al abrir la puerta
interfiere con él, siérrelo hasta permitir
un giro correcto de la puerta.
Si necesita fijar una madera frontal,
siga las instrucciones que acompañan a
la documentación de la máquina.
2.1 Encienda el lavavajillas pulsando .
2.2 Selección de idioma. Algunos
lavavajillas de tipo A, tienen pantalla de
texto. Para seleccionar el idioma, pulse
durante más de 3 segundos la tecla
duo-zone (2.2.1)
Pulsando repetidas veces la misma
tecla llegará al idioma deseado.
Valide pulsando (2.2.2).
2.3 Dureza. El agua contiene cal y su
dureza aumenta proporcionalmente a la
cantidad de la misma.
Antes de usar el lavavajillas debe
conocer el grado de dureza del agua
consultando a la compañía de aguas,
consultando al Servicio de Asistencia
Técnica o utilizando la tira Aquadur
incluída en la bolsa de accesorios.
Ajustes Iniciales
Download manual in English (PDF, 0.73 MB)
(Consider the environment and only print this manual if it is really necessary)



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Here you can share what you think about the Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher. If you have a question, first carefully read the manual. Requesting a manual can be done by using our contact form.

Jessica 23-10-2019
How do you open the drain? It does not drain and I do not know if it is going to thread or some tab?

reply | This was helpful (6) (Translated by Google)
Ternák Imréné 10-09-2020
The dishwasher displays f4

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Ofelia 11-12-2019
Can you wash very delicate glassware? If so, which program is the right one?

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More about this manual

We understand that it’s nice to have a paper manual for your Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher. You can always download the manual from our website and print it yourself. If you would like to have an original manual, we recommend you contact Fagor. They might be able to provide an original manual. Are you looking for the manual of your Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher in a different language? Choose your preferred language on our homepage and search for the model number to see if we have it available.


Brand Fagor
Model LF 019 IX
Category Dishwashers
File type PDF
File size 0.73 MB

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Frequently Asked Questions about Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

After my dishwasher has finished it's cycle, the container that holds the tablet hasn't opened. How is this possible? Verified

This problem is often caused by dishes that are blocking the container. Check this before turning on the dishwasher.

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The dishwasher does not heat the water anymore, why is that? Verified

It is likely that the heating element is defective. Have it replaced. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer.

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Can I use regular salt in my dishwasher? Verified

No, regular salt may contain substances that can cause damage to your appliance.

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Do I need to rinse my dishes before putting them in the dishwasher? Verified

Rinsing the dishes is not necessary, but you do need to remove any large, hard and fat leftovers. These could clog the drain over time.

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Can I open the dishwasher while it is running? Verified

Most dishwashers are equipped with a water stop, making the program stop immediately when the door is opened and meaning no water will come out. With some models this can cause problems over time. With built-in dishwashers it is possible that frequently opening the dishwasher while running may cause water damage to surrounging cabinets because of the steam that is released.

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Should I open the dishwasher after it finished running to have the dishes dry quicker? Verified

This depends on the type of dishwasher and the location of the dishwasher. Some dishwashers are equipped with a feature that dries the dishes after the washing program. In that case opening the dishwasher will have no added value. With built-in dishwashers it is possible that frequently opening the dishwasher while running may cause water damage to surrounging cabinets because of the steam that is released.

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After the dishwaser has finished its cycle, the plastic dishes are still wet but the rest isn't. Why is that? Verified

Plastic is a bad conductor of heat, allowing the products to cool down quickly. The moisture that remains on it then evaporates far less than for example on ceramics or metal.

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Can I connect a dishwasher to an extension cord? Verified

Appliances that require large amounts of power, like a dishwasher, can not be connected to all extension cords. See what the power usage of the dishwasher is, which is indicated in Watt, and check if the extension cord cn handle this. There are extension cords with thicker cables that are made to handle larger appliances.

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Is it a problem to have scratches on the metal on the inside of the dishwasher? Verified

The inside of most dishwashers is made of stainless steel and are not affected by scratches.

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Can I put pans with Teflon in the dishwasher? Verified

Yes, you can. However, the pan will wear faster than when it is cleaned by hand. When cleaning a pan with Teflon by hand, never use a scourer but use a soft sponge or cloth.

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Can I put wooden objects such as spatulas and cutting boards in the dishwasher? Verified

No. Wooden objects can get damaged or warped in a dishwasher. Also, the wood fibres that come free might damage the dishwasher. Wooden cutting boards are often made with glue that can come loose after being in the dishwasher several times.

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Manual Fagor LF 019 IX Dishwasher