Manuals for Asus Motherboards

Below you can find all models Asus Motherboards for which we have manuals available. Also view the frequenty asked questions at the bottom of the page for useful tips about your product. Is your model not on the list? Please contact us.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Our support team searches for useful product information and answers to frequently asked questions. If you find an inaccuracy in our frequently asked questions, please let us know by using our contact form.

Is there a difference between motherboards, system boards and mainboards? Verified

No, all these words are used to describe the same component. Motherboard is the most common term but system board, mainboard and even logic board are terms used by different manufacturers.

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Manual Asus EX-H510M-V3/CSM Motherboard
Alfred 11-06-2022
****Compatibility Support Module (CSM)

Asus EX-H510M-V3/CSM Motherboard
Manual Asus EX-H510M-V3/CSM Motherboard
Alfred 11-06-2022
Hello everyone, hope you can help. I purchase asus EX-H510M-V3 motherboard with intel i7 10thgen cpu for the purpose of migrating my windows 7 os and all its application. I tried all possible settings on bios but i can't find my clone drive since i cloned my old hdd. i googled possible solutions but didn't work the CMS button is disabled and grayed out. i know its my fault to purchase a motherboard without really checking its specifications suit to my need. Hope someone can help me. thank you.

Asus EX-H510M-V3/CSM Motherboard
Manual Asus ROG STRIX X570-E GAMING Motherboard
Christian Fournier 17-01-2022
hello, what is code 40 on the motherboard? Thank you for your reply

(Translated by Google)
Asus ROG STRIX X570-E GAMING Motherboard
Tff 11-01-2022

(Translated by Google)
Manual Asus PRIME H570-PLUS Motherboard
shin 07-10-2021
このMBにほ電源が接続された時に点灯する赤又は緑のLEDは存在しないのでしょうか? 購入して早速組み立てたのですが、何の反応もしなかったので、サポートに問い合わせると、「無いようです」との事でした。 P8H77-Vでは赤いLEDが点灯したのですが、このMBは何の反応も有りません。 電源の可能性も考えて、元のP8H77-Vに接続すると、問題無く起動した事から、電源では無いと判断していますが。 netで検索しても、緑のLEDが点灯又は点滅が・・・と言う事が書いてあるのですが・・・・。

Asus PRIME H570-PLUS Motherboard